Friday 22 May 2009

More little Critters!

It supposed to be coming up to the time of year when Dragonflies and Damselflies are 'on the wing' and start to emerge from the depths of ponds to flutter about and nurrish in the surrounding fields.

So last night (evening), I headed out to Sandbach Flashes to see if there was anything about yet. After scanning the water reeds and the water area itself, i soon realised that all this wet and miserable rainy weather we've been having this week has frightened the little buggers off! They've probably all decided to hybernate for another week or two!!

So, without wanting to waste a trip out with my camera, i decided to get some nice close up shots of the flowers in the nice! Whilst photographing these flowers, i noticed that there were lots and lots of daddy long legs hopping floating about like they do! Trying to capture these little fellars is pretty difficult because when you get close they scamper off!

Anyway, whilst tracking down the daddy longlegs in my sights, I finally spotted something that looked like what i came for... A Damselfly!

This was a more relaxed creature who was quite happy to pose for me and my camera. Please meet the Azure Damselfly.


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. I like this one :o), it looks likt the dragonfly is peeking round the edge of the stem. I like the contrast in focus, while you've managed to keep some level of detail in the background :o). Nice one!
