Tuesday, 11 August 2009

Urban Directions does it again!

I received another acceptance into a national exhibition for my image, Urban Directions, this weekend.
Each acceptance into these BPE accredited exhibitions count towards recognition in the ability to produce photographs of great quality. After recieving 25 acceptances i will be awarded the BPE* designation - so still some way to go but i'm definitley off the mark.
There were over 1400 entries into the same category, out of which only a certain percentage can be accepted so i am pretty pleased with this result.
The actual exhibition will take place Saturday, 12th September, 2009 at the Washbrook Village Hall, Suffolk, IP8 3JD, starting at 2.30p.m The Village hall is on the old A12 opposite the Elizabeth Hotel at Washbrook apparently.
Dont forget to check out my latest images on the main website.

Friday, 7 August 2009

More of The Roaches - Peak District

Last night's sunset was amazing!!!!! I was just walking down from doxey pool back to the car when the sky suddenly came to life!

Doxey pool - should be called poxey pool! Its tiny! No disrespect to it though as i gather there is an unfriendly inhabitant of the pool - Jenny Greenteeth - A seductive mermaid or water spirit who lures travellers to a watery grave..... Spooky!

The area seems to be very popular with rock climbers. I think a return visit to try and capture some action on the rocks is on the cards...

Never buy cheap equipment!

My bloody card reader fused last night and smelt like it was burning. So i whipped the card out of it as soon as i physically could! Luckily it didnt damage the card or images! Phew! That will teach me to try and save money and buy a card reader for £3!.. False economy!